1261 players
Name | Demos | Length |
--- | 40 | 8:12 |
0nemoreshadow | 1 | 6:09 |
0xf00ba12 | 127 | 12:04:30 |
1Destro3456 | 9 | 5:02 |
2yakka | 1 | 0:11 |
38_ViTa_38 | 176 | 4:25:07 |
3elephant | 1 | 0:50 |
4mer | 1 | 9:35 |
4shockblast | 3774 | 84:24:54 |
A7MAD | 93 | 17:03:10 |
Abelicio | 26 | 19:28 |
abyrvalg | 47 | 3:46:53 |
aconfusedhuman | 137 | 3:10:39 |
AconyX | 125 | 2:36:41 |
A_CyberAttack | 1 | 0:06 |
AD009 ZA001 | 8 | 32:43 |
AD_79 | 136 | 3:44:01 |
Adam Dekan | 2 | 12:49 |
Adam Hegyi | 722 | 16:58:19 |
Adam Landefeld | 1 | 11:58 |
Adam Williamson | 795 | 24:56:59 |
Aditya_Zanjad | 6 | 11:32 |
ADI_XD1 | 7 | 2:09 |
A_D_M_E_R_A_L | 73 | 2:58:54 |
a-Dre | 2 | 5:24 |
Adun | 2 | 2:52 |
Agaures | 1 | 0:28 |
A.H. Sankhatayan | 4 | 10:55 |
aika | 91 | 1:18:49 |
Akagi666 | 1 | 1:43 |
Akse | 46 | 3:16:29 |
Alan "Alaux" Ruzich | 125 | 39:54 |
Albert Valls | 489 | 20:31:09 |
Ale | 27 | 2:45:32 |
Aleksey Karakin | 2 | 13:58 |
Alephany | 3 | 21:34 |
Alessandroid | 1 | 0:07 |
Alexander L. | 1 | 1:51 |
Alexander Sushkov | 26 | 4:13:07 |
Alexander Zivic | 2 | 12:38 |
Alexis Neuhaus | 53 | 1:12:24 |
Alex Parsons | 2 | 22:59 |
Alfonzo | 5 | 9:56 |
alien111 | 30 | 1:20:03 |
alkamaass | 32 | 14:57 |
allancg | 1 | 24:46 |
alluppercase | 1 | 24:39 |
almostmatt1 | 229 | 12:27:37 |
alps | 78 | 34:15 |
alqiwa | 3 | 0:18 |
Altima Mantoid | 368 | 26:54:40 |
Alvis | 44 | 2:13:05 |
AmnesiaSilence | 130 | 47:30 |
Ancalagon | 912 | 97:14:02 |
Anders Johnsen | 364 | 27:03:45 |
Andrea Rovenski | 5391 | 409:01:48 |
Andreas Kren | 128 | 11:50:44 |
Andrew Bassett | 19 | 26:43 |
Andrew Champion | 2 | 2:25 |
Andrew Martinez | 2 | 8:53 |
Andrew Mur | 2 | 19:29 |
Andrew Rogers | 1 | 5:35 |
Andrew Usher | 28 | 8:41:36 |
Andrey Budko | 80 | 5:26:31 |
Andromeda | 174 | 4:07:43 |
Andru | 4 | 0:53 |
Andy Badorek | 48 | 4:43:21 |
Andy Kempling | 52 | 4:12:00 |
Andy Leaver | 3 | 48:30 |
Andyman3k | 2 | 59:40 |
Andy McDennis | 2 | 25:23 |
Andy Olivera | 290 | 32:36:40 |
Angus | 435 | 30:07:10 |
Anima Zero | 724 | 67:13:40 |
Anonymous | 21 | 1:27:44 |
antares031 | 8 | 1:43:41 |
Anthony Soto | 116 | 13:09:08 |
Anton Magleli | 9 | 17:34 |
Apapappa | 2 | 4:22 |
Aqfaq | 33 | 33:49:29 |
Aquasa | 60 | 3:03:31 |
Aquila Chrysaetos | 43 | 2:21:05 |
Aradiaa | 1 | 0:09 |
Arbys550 | 8 | 13:04:43 |
Archfiend | 4 | 2:52 |
Archi | 108 | 6:57:28 |
Archvile22 | 1 | 2:50 |
Archvile Hunter | 2 | 22:01 |
Archville | 1 | 3:43 |
Archy | 84 | 4:55:06 |
Argent Agent | 100 | 5:57:45 |
Ariel Vera | 1 | 28:51 |
Arkzyl | 1 | 0:11 |
ArmouredBlood | 3 | 11:43 |
Arnain | 3 | 3:53 |
Arno Slagboom | 920 | 21:54:28 |
Arrowshot | 1 | 0:44 |
Arsene1412 | 38 | 1:49:11 |
Arsinikk | 2 | 2:21 |
Artifex | 4 | 2:02 |
ArzoxEPB | 1 | 12:27 |
Ashstrodamus | 44 | 1:54:19 |
AsianMammoth | 3 | 6:05 |
Astro X | 2 | 48:14 |
Asure | 88 | 6:57:35 |
Ausara | 26 | 17:21 |
aveberry | 1 | 9:12 |
Avey | 35 | 3:05:28 |
AxeL | 105 | 8:00:37 |
Axuris | 54 | 2:55:01 |
Azan Yousuf | 1 | 1:06 |
AZRAEL-II | 8 | 33:17 |
Azuruish | 116 | 40:21:24 |
b00mb0dy | 5 | 15:15 |
BahdKo | 14 | 46:39 |
BaileyTW | 17 | 1:00:28 |
Bainshie-Doom | 128 | 6:50:52 |
based_kirby | 1 | 0:57 |
bastiluki | 3 | 0:41 |
Batawi | 36 | 30:31 |
bb33 | 30 | 2:27:00 |
beast | 1 | 0:53 |
BedeyBoy | 3 | 0:38 |
BeefGee | 1 | 3:33 |
BeeWen | 1 | 9:19 |
Beginner | 74 | 5:26:33 |
Belial | 100 | 10:50:13 |
bemused | 7 | 9:05 |
Bence | 3 | 2:31 |
Benjamin Lauterbach | 4 | 1:25 |
Benjogami | 18 | 1:12:23 |
Bertt91 | 4 | 4:06 |
besus | 67 | 18:51:17 |
Betelgeuse | 2 | 0:57 |
Bezby1 | 9 | 16:36 |
BFGandorf | 587 | 29:34:37 |
B.G.B. | 6 | 8:24 |
BigBoy91 | 733 | 3:19:41 |
BigTopher | 1 | 0:06 |
Billa | 1202 | 38:02:44 |
Billy2090 | 7 | 2:01 |
Binario01 | 1 | 4:28 |
bioshockfan90 | 1 | 4:26 |
Birchy | 1 | 0:49 |
BiZ | 328 | 22:42:34 |
Bjorn Hamels | 33 | 1:20:03 |
BladeTwinSwords | 10 | 13:30 |
Blake Cole | 4 | 7:18 |
BlipBlerp | 7 | 47:45 |
blob1024 | 457 | 48:33:50 |
blockgaming06 | 1 | 0:12 |
Bloodite Krypto | 237 | 31:11:41 |
blue cultist | 120 | 28:06:16 |
bma | 33 | 33:09 |
Bob9001 | 486 | 65:59:15 |
BomberBlur07 | 1 | 0:34 |
Book Lord | 4 | 14:45 |
Borealis | 1 | 7:54 |
borogk | 25 | 1:16:45 |
bowserknight | 17 | 3:44:12 |
BoxY | 265 | 10:38:11 |
Brad Spencer | 52 | 4:53:32 |
Brainfreezzzzz | 708 | 140:31:01 |
Breadbunbun | 2 | 2:59 |
Bredd | 1440 | 80:29:27 |
Breezeep | 2 | 0:50 |
brendondle | 157 | 38:21:12 |
Brian Martin | 32 | 34:14 |
Brian Munson | 1 | 3:13 |
brikk_ | 10 | 1:16:07 |
Brookie | 61 | 3:14:39 |
Brorr | 1 | 0:10 |
Bruno Vergílio | 65 | 8:06:03 |
Brutal Doomer | 7 | 1:38:57 |
Budoka | 10 | 49:15 |
Buffy | 8 | 7:04 |
Bugslide | 2 | 2:07 |
Butts | 1 | 5:57 |
BUYXRAYS | 2 | 1:49 |
Bytefyre | 18 | 13:20:18 |
cabalcrow | 2 | 1:00 |
Cacatou | 224 | 15:34:54 |
Cacheline | 2 | 1:13 |
cack_handed | 50 | 3:02:52 |
Cacochamp | 1 | 0:17 |
Cacodemon Leader | 9 | 2:03:13 |
Cacolord | 6 | 20:44 |
caltus | 38 | 33:03 |
Cameron Prosser | 58 | 1:12:22 |
Cannonball | 279 | 12:35:08 |
capodecima | 22 | 12:28 |
capsaicin | 1 | 4:12 |
Carlos Guariglia | 35 | 7:00:38 |
Carmanati | 4 | 7:53 |
Carsonwell | 1 | 0:39 |
Catoptromancy | 2 | 7:20 |
Ch0wW | 203 | 6:50:47 |
ChaingunChaCha | 244 | 3:45:28 |
cHIBIs | 8 | 15:19 |
chiggins3126 | 1 | 9:50 |
Childe_Roland | 44 | 2:19:28 |
ChimadanyaOfficial | 12 | 29:29 |
chira | 104 | 32:48:51 |
Choochoo | 1 | 0:05 |
Chris Kaplan | 2 | 28:34 |
Christian Gould | 1 | 14:29 |
Christian Jacobsen | 2 | 18:30 |
Chrozoron | 19 | 3:34:53 |
Chuckles_troll | 49 | 24:35 |
Cilian | 18 | 1:44:22 |
Cinnamon | 14 | 2:16:41 |
CinnamonKilljoy | 15 | 12:32 |
CJ Thompson | 1 | 5:05 |
Clare0_ | 1 | 0:44 |
Classic SSG Enjoyer | 14 | 3:16:42 |
Claudio Barba | 144 | 11:51:38 |
ClumsyDoomer | 127 | 3:31:20 |
CmatiC | 4 | 3:23 |
CMDeml | 3 | 1:54 |
co5_7m | 1 | 0:07 |
CoffeeGuy | 4 | 5:22 |
Coincident | 148 | 24:49:07 |
Colossus | 9 | 6:52 |
CombinebobNT | 2 | 18:36 |
ConCalma00 | 1 | 0:12 |
cooltexture | 1 | 0:49 |
CrazyDoomguy | 100 | 24:36:22 |
Creaphis | 39 | 2:09:32 |
Crusador560 | 584 | 198:08:59 |
cryoniq | 80 | 6:23:59 |
Cubeface | 3 | 2:22 |
cvnts | 10 | 14:29 |
CWP24 | 21 | 1:52:12 |
Cycl0ne | 1 | 0:12 |
Cycloid | 34 | 2:55:53 |
CZ75 | 5 | 0:59 |
D0M0 | 161 | 8:50:00 |
Daar0nat0r | 4 | 3:04 |
Dado22431 | 1 | 0:12 |
Dae | 45 | 2:20:18 |
Daerik | 73 | 36:26:59 |
Daeron | 5 | 44:21 |
Dagazur | 11 | 10:49 |
Daiyu Xiaoxiang | 808 | 56:37:38 |
Dan87 | 101 | 15:13:30 |
danboii | 6 | 21:03 |
Dan Crowley | 5 | 19:49 |
Daniel | 243 | 13:51:24 |
Daniel Lindgren | 394 | 50:23:57 |
Daniel Zinsli | 1 | 1:38 |
Danlex | 8 | 17:02 |
dannebubinga | 83 | 7:25:41 |
Danny Lancashire | 6 | 4:33 |
Darg | 2 | 6:37 |
Dario Casali | 3 | 57:42 |
Dark | 4 | 12:26 |
DarkDelta | 5 | 1:27 |
darkreaver | 14 | 8:27 |
DarthPlagus03 | 5 | 7:14:55 |
Dasa | 52 | 7:25:00 |
dashiefrickintyan | 40 | 7:29:41 |
Dashiva | 71 | 2:20:09 |
dashlet | 39 | 1:57:22 |
Dastan | 149 | 1:17:19 |
Datacore85 | 33 | 2:05:30 |
Dave Armstrong | 1 | 38:09 |
dave_hun | 2 | 37:12 |
Dave Turner | 8 | 1:02:06 |
David Asaad | 99 | 18:19:35 |
David Derrick | 1 | 2:10 |
David Spring | 210 | 4:55:14 |
Davorin Mestric | 9 | 43:55 |
daxiao_XD | 3 | 2:27 |
DCG Retrowave | 3 | 17:26 |
deaffink | 2 | 2:47 |
DeafPixel | 2 | 22:22 |
DeaTh112 | 45 | 1:01:26 |
Death-Destiny | 9 | 1:30:27 |
death_unites_us | 4 | 23:49 |
deathz0r | 2 | 3:13 |
DeazMaurice | 141 | 21:57:37 |
Decay | 432 | 14:22:23 |
decino | 2 | 27:15 |
Ded Boi | 2 | 0:18 |
DeepBlue215 | 2 | 15:00 |
deeperjungle | 4 | 1:05 |
DeetOpianSky | 14 | 53:19 |
Defiant! | 1 | 0:44 |
Delofon | 2 | 2:13 |
Demmon Break Master | 1 | 6:43 |
DemoGorgonZola | 19 | 26:02 |
Demonologist | 29 | 3:05:12 |
DemonSphere | 2 | 10:11 |
depr4vity | 361 | 2:47:24 |
depres10n | 1 | 0:01 |
Chris "DevastatioN" Felix | 22 | 29:55 |
Devisin | 1 | 0:15 |
Devour.Inc | 78 | 6:56:16 |
dew | 509 | 12:56:14 |
Diagee | 5 | 0:41 |
DidierTranber | 1444 | 73:19:47 |
Dime | 75 | 10:18:53 |
Dimon12321 | 60 | 3:51:18 |
dingdang | 4 | 34:17 |
Dingir | 10 | 50:46 |
Dirk Vanrie | 3 | 7:07 |
Dislogical | 26 | 12:28 |
Divided | 1 | 3:46 |
djnr | 12 | 2:33:28 |
DJV | 37 | 1:20:02 |
Doctor_Spengler | 5 | 10:33 |
DOEL | 5 | 25:48 |
Dogmachine | 385 | 41:30:51 |
Dol | 1 | 0:24 |
dolanmolan | 2 | 26:32 |
Donatas Tamonis | 466 | 31:18:10 |
DonCorleone | 1 | 0:42 |
Don Pate | 1 | 0:19 |
doombhai | 1 | 1:07 |
Doomdaniel95 | 759 | 25:34:09 |
DooMer 4ever | 35 | 1:34:04 |
Doomguy46 | 1 | 0:10 |
DoomHero85 | 149 | 6:14:32 |
Doomniel | 63 | 2:52:38 |
DoomTheRobot | 9 | 10:01 |
Doomy__Doom | 11 | 34:25 |
D_Press | 3 | 0:18 |
Dragonfly | 1 | 0:29 |
Draw&play | 7 | 4:28 |
Draza_jr | 2 | 0:42 |
DreamTimes | 55 | 2:16:01 |
Driftyloon | 5 | 10:30 |
DrJordo | 71 | 1:12:05 |
Dr. Zin | 2 | 29:40 |
Dsparil | 25 | 2:33:06 |
Dubzzz | 3027 | 134:14:08 |
ducinofan | 1 | 3:20 |
DuckReconMajor | 21 | 1:21:00 |
Dugan Chen | 3 | 4:15 |
Dunn & Dunn | 22 | 2:33:43 |
duvel | 2 | 4:29 |
Dwaze | 33 | 44:13 |
dyshoria | 1 | 0:27 |
Ear1h | 5 | 24:22 |
eargosedown | 2 | 0:13 |
Edgar89 | 1 | 0:20 |
Edo Yichie | 3 | 55:51 |
EdTomson | 1 | 10:37 |
Eelco de Vries | 197 | 15:05:15 |
eevee231 | 7 | 11:51 |
elbuengonzo | 105 | 1:08:49 |
Electra13x7777 | 4 | 4:39 |
Electro Rage | 34 | 1:05:08 |
eLim | 100 | 7:59:32 |
El Inferno | 38 | 3:05:35 |
El Juancho | 152 | 57:42 |
ELMLE | 805 | 100:11:36 |
EL PRO | 2 | 5:49 |
ElTioTom | 1 | 1:20 |
El Tom | 52 | 41:23 |
E.M. | 124 | 2:05:11 |
emperor doom | 5 | 3:23 |
Endingghost | 20 | 21:05 |
Endless | 5 | 3:01 |
endoomer | 5 | 16:24 |
Ennello | 1 | 7:14 |
EnragedEggplant | 206 | 16:22:02 |
EpicTyphlosion | 14 | 20:30 |
Eric Claus | 48 | 1:42:14 |
Eric Mullins | 13 | 2:01:07 |
Erik Alm | 244 | 15:48:20 |
Erik Bogeholt | 1 | 5:37 |
Eris Falling | 11 | 26:20 |
error_27 | 1 | 0:14 |
Erwin Lin | 29 | 3:25:40 |
eschdoom | 37 | 3:23:09 |
Esko Koskimaa | 53 | 6:54:17 |
Espi | 62 | 6:14:29 |
Ethh | 16 | 25:50 |
Eugene Bondarchenko | 3 | 43:38 |
Eugene Kapustin | 222 | 13:47:35 |
Evgeny Potashnik | 3 | 14:11 |
EvoCalvin | 10 | 57:09 |
Ezormer | 41 | 33:11 |
FairHeadcrab | 2 | 2:27 |
FatalDooM | 1 | 0:31 |
FC19 | 61 | 6:37:26 |
fefor | 6 | 10:24 |
ferfrancuito | 67 | 9:46 |
Ficuryeath | 1 | 4:50 |
finnks13 | 1 | 23:02 |
Firen | 7 | 6:12:42 |
fisherprice | 2 | 14:20 |
Fitzkrieg | 3 | 17:26 |
Flaoc | 32 | 7:40:19 |
floatRand | 3 | 6:16 |
FloppyTorso | 1 | 1:41 |
Fluuschoen | 19 | 28:25 |
FlyingGoner | 1 | 3:46 |
Fonze | 3 | 13:23 |
FoxMage | 1 | 0:30 |
FoxPlays | 1 | 0:36 |
franckFRAG | 2 | 4:00 |
Frank Lipsky | 8 | 9:50 |
Frank Siebers | 11 | 34:57 |
Frank Winqvist | 18 | 19:40 |
FreakGlitcha | 58 | 2:44:05 |
Fredrik Johansson | 3 | 4:37 |
Frost-CoreTheSequel | 1 | 0:27 |
FSF | 34 | 37:13 |
FuccboyFlex | 1 | 1:54 |
fuGue_tv | 14 | 1:38:19 |
fwn212 | 1 | 0:05 |
Gabor Vas | 2 | 47:27 |
galileo31dos01 | 1 | 2:11 |
GarrettChan | 919 | 39:40:32 |
Garrett Wessner | 1 | 0:12 |
Gary Cauthon | 4 | 1:25:36 |
Gary Kolb | 1 | 2:23 |
Geforce | 5 | 3:17 |
Geir Hauge | 1 | 0:29 |
Gene Bird | 41 | 6:32:14 |
General Roasterock | 142 | 4:20:56 |
George Bell | 64 | 12:39:50 |
gest2356 | 8 | 5:47 |
gggmork | 134 | 28:46:25 |
GhostHardware | 2 | 0:30 |
GhostlyDeath | 2 | 29:09 |
Giga | 4 | 1:56 |
Gingy | 1 | 3:07 |
Glaedr | 1 | 2:06 |
Gonzalo Perez de la Ossa | 9 | 11:35 |
Goodfella529 | 39 | 17:14 |
gordon | 2 | 0:21 |
Gosu_Noob | 502 | 4:58:53 |
Graim | 118 | 2:15:24 |
grapes | 621 | 15:49:23 |
Gravitar | 5 | 17:09 |
Grazza | 1222 | 35:14:39 |
GrumpyCat | 722 | 33:45:52 |
Guiddqd | 44 | 1:17:57 |
Gusta | 429 | 20:20:30 |
GuyNamedErick | 257 | 20:29:36 |
gvozdevik | 14 | 15:46 |
Gwyn Williams | 73 | 12:11:16 |
hackfraud | 34 | 3:53:36 |
HackNeyed | 4 | 11:58 |
Hajo_official | 1 | 49:13 |
hangar | 1 | 0:16 |
Hanomamoru | 3 | 17:03 |
hcgilboa | 1 | 0:05 |
hcv30n | 1 | 0:18 |
head_cannon | 72 | 7:42:02 |
Headshot | 19 | 13:39 |
Hebonky | 8 | 7:29 |
Hellsinker 01 | 11 | 8:23 |
Henk-Jan Trumpie | 1 | 0:20 |
Henning Skogsto | 313 | 29:50:31 |
Henrik Sande | 1 | 0:23 |
Heretic | 125 | 14:40:41 |
Hereunder | 4 | 6:13 |
HexTheRex | 21 | 15:50 |
Hi Jango | 20 | 30:52 |
hirogen2 | 7 | 9:49 |
HitelbeVettBor | 30 | 1:11:10 |
Hitherto | 243 | 12:33:18 |
Hock | 55 | 46:14 |
hokis | 156 | 3:26:35 |
Horus | 24 | 13:15 |
howmanyqp | 1 | 0:11 |
Human_Animal | 2 | 10:29 |
Human Being | 1465 | 8:12:54 |
Hurricaine Jr. | 97 | 1:52:44 |
Huy Pham | 9 | 3:10:40 |
HydroponicGardener | 20 | 15:56 |
Hydrus | 5 | 1:42 |
Ian Cunnings | 2 | 1:18 |
Ian Jefferies | 8 | 1:55:29 |
Ian Newton | 1 | 43:06 |
Ian Sabourin | 31 | 2:10:44 |
Ian Sutton | 38 | 2:30:26 |
Ian Vann | 2 | 2:16 |
Icey Cropta | 1 | 0:08 |
ID | 4 | 1:07 |
iddq_tea | 3 | 1:53 |
idkbutlike2 | 2 | 2:16 |
ifreakinlovedoom208 | 1 | 1:42 |
Iikka Keranen | 1 | 9:11 |
Ilkka Kunttu | 21 | 1:17:48 |
Ilya Britvich | 60 | 1:17:57 |
ImproversGaming | 2 | 1:22 |
ImSeriouss | 2 | 0:12 |
IncompA | 4 | 1:25 |
Infidius | 38 | 41:08 |
Ingramatt | 46 | 5:48:38 |
inoshepotyanin228 | 1 | 12:43 |
Insomnia | 148 | 6:57:32 |
IntensionZero | 11 | 6:54 |
InTraining | 2 | 5:14 |
Intuition?! | 1 | 0:27 |
Inuk | 84 | 1:43:56 |
Istvan Pataki | 169 | 13:32:31 |
Itami boi | 1 | 0:37 |
Izeret | 12 | 41:55 |
j4rio | 1170 | 235:50:32 |
JabronySlayer | 2 | 0:47 |
Jackass of Doom | 7 | 1:44:29 |
JackDBS | 97 | 8:29:06 |
Jakub Machata | 198 | 8:03:48 |
Jakub Mahdal | 8 | 9:40 |
Jakub Majewski | 14 | 3:40:30 |
Jakub Olšák | 3 | 1:04 |
Jakub Puk | 22 | 2:10:40 |
JamBawa | 3 | 13:55 |
James Young | 1 | 3:00 |
Jan Dousa | 40 | 32:04 |
Jan Endre Jansen | 51 | 2:09:26 |
Janne Kalliomäki | 81 | 1:10:15 |
Jan Vida | 13 | 1:41:31 |
Jaromir Cihak | 13 | 41:51 |
Jason A | 5 | 4:24 |
Jason Dyer | 15 | 32:51 |
Jason Henry | 85 | 21:19:50 |
Jason Luebke | 1 | 2:09 |
Jason Masihdas | 3 | 4:44 |
Jason Root | 1 | 25:37 |
Jason Sloan | 1 | 1:42 |
Jason VanFickell | 1 | 0:13 |
Javier Rodriguez | 35 | 5:57:39 |
Jax | 1 | 0:44 |
JBelle | 1 | 0:18 |
JCD | 608 | 39:33:16 |
JDBlack21 | 4 | 1:17 |
Jeff N. Easthope | 10 | 25:18 |
Jesper Johansson | 2 | 14:01 |
Jesper Krag Rasmussen | 9 | 2:56:44 |
Jesse Mesman | 1 | 7:22 |
Jett | 2 | 1:37 |
Jezs | 200 | 2:56:00 |
Jim Corrigan | 2 | 1:24:42 |
Jim Steele | 1 | 0:13 |
Jizzwardo | 10 | 40:58 |
jjthebird | 52 | 5:19:26 |
J. Learn Shiore | 51 | 5:11:47 |
jmickle | 4 | 4:23 |
JMM | 4 | 1:02 |
Joan Baguda | 1 | 1:50 |
Joca64 | 43 | 4:48:55 |
Jodwin | 15 | 1:58:10 |
Joe Abene | 25 | 1:33:29 |
Joe Breen | 3 | 2:24:46 |
Joe-Ilya | 70 | 6:39:38 |
Johnathan Scott | 1 | 2:24 |
John Blackburn | 26 | 2:29:48 |
John Cartwright | 10 | 2:06:40 |
johnfrinky | 12 | 12:22:00 |
John Keniry | 24 | 2:18:21 |
Johnnybob5 | 4 | 3:25 |
JohnOfAllGames | 1 | 0:46 |
John Upper | 1 | 2:47 |
JonaG | 309 | 4:14:25 |
Jonathan Hoof | 4 | 48:23 |
Jonathan Matthies | 15 | 50:35 |
Jonathan Rimmer | 70 | 1:42:23 |
Jonathan Weeks | 15 | 25:49 |
Josh Sealy | 7 | 20:58 |
JudgeDeadd | 15 | 38:04 |
justanotherfool | 79 | 5:59:48 |
Justin Ethier | 3 | 0:50 |
Justin James | 2 | 1:18 |
Kairt | 3 | 7:36 |
Kaito Sinclaire | 4 | 5:28 |
Kai-Uwe Humpert | 289 | 26:26:12 |
Kalekidsav | 2 | 0:23 |
Kalzu | 2 | 6:07 |
Kam Tovalski | 107 | 10:52:25 |
Kara Rader | 1 | 2:12 |
KarlsGB | 1 | 0:32 |
Karthik Abhirama | 16 | 49:18 |
Keeen | 1 | 0:10 |
Keene Ho | 5 | 25:32 |
Kelissias | 6 | 2:15 |
Kelly Flewin | 4 | 5:19 |
Kelp137 | 1 | 0:11 |
keyboardcrash | 1 | 0:09 |
Keyboard_Doomer | 104 | 18:31 |
Keykhosrau | 1 | 3:38 |
khananaphone | 1 | 2:00:41 |
Khaoscythe | 2 | 5:35 |
Khorus | 1 | 0:26 |
Kid Crusader | 3 | 2:28 |
Kieran Millar | 27 | 1:26:57 |
Killer5 | 59 | 15:07:27 |
KillerDog745 | 49 | 3:49:28 |
Killianbeast | 1 | 0:09 |
Kim Dong-hyun | 21 | 2:05:54 |
Kim Hauge | 1 | 0:22 |
Kim Lee | 6 | 3:01 |
Kim Lundqvist | 7 | 2:17 |
Kim "Torn" Bach | 57 | 1:29:27 |
Kinetic | 278 | 48:42:24 |
KingInferno93 | 1 | 8:14 |
Kira | 3 | 19:12 |
KirieNatsuyuko | 1 | 2:20 |
Klear | 1 | 2:17 |
kler | 2 | 0:20 |
kOeGy | 27 | 1:06:52 |
Konceptz | 4 | 2:32:18 |
Koren | 18 | 2:23:57 |
Kotzugi | 67 | 6:13:47 |
Kövle | 1 | 2:40 |
Kraaienpoot | 32 | 1:40:10 |
Kraflab | 763 | 21:36:43 |
Krankdud | 137 | 1:41:56 |
Kranskigor | 1 | 0:22 |
Krazycarrotman | 1 | 0:36 |
KrisTehDerp | 1 | 0:35 |
Kristian Ronge | 396 | 9:40:16 |
Ks4 | 213 | 9:50:10 |
Ktatt- | 10 | 5:05 |
Kubelwagon | 1 | 0:42 |
kuckkuck | 48 | 2:39:01 |
Kudo | 3 | 2:42 |
Kunkun | 33 | 3:57:34 |
Kuskus | 2 | 0:28 |
Kuutioo | 2 | 0:12 |
kvothesixstring | 790 | 11:42:37 |
Kwisior | 2 | 1:40 |
Kyle McAwesome | 1601 | 53:54:31 |
L0l1nd3r | 17 | 6:10:10 |
L9A8 | 1 | 1:17 |
LabyrinthDoomer | 33 | 28:16 |
LadyMistDragon | 13 | 52:52 |
-Lambda- | 42 | 1:00:36 |
Larching on | 10 | 4:21:41 |
Larzuk | 2 | 2:30 |
Laszlo Magori | 10 | 24:26 |
Laszlo Vecsei | 83 | 1:51:42 |
Laure | 394 | 7:16:33 |
Laurent Sebellin | 63 | 3:08:27 |
Lawrence Kirby | 4 | 3:03 |
Ledmeister | 37 | 3:59:50 |
Le Duck | 1 | 5:43 |
Lee Szymanski | 5 | 20:53 |
Legatron17 | 7 | 19:01 |
LemonHeist | 1 | 0:57 |
ler | 3 | 5:44 |
Lerner | 1 | 1:36 |
Lewonx | 18 | 24:11 |
Lex Safonov | 1 | 2:35 |
LHSpanner | 18 | 1:57:01 |
Licky Pocket | 4 | 1:44 |
Light_Speed | 475 | 35:02:09 |
Ling | 55 | 4:24:45 |
Linguica | 1 | 1:41 |
lirui1001 | 928 | 81:41:27 |
LittleDuckling | 1 | 0:31 |
LittyLuke_- | 1 | 0:39 |
litwr | 21 | 3:36:51 |
liveincity | 316 | 2:11:59 |
Local Disk (C:) | 18 | 14:38 |
LOD42 | 54 | 11:48 |
Loomeh | 1 | 0:10 |
Looper | 304 | 14:02:11 |
LordHydra | 9 | 3:53 |
LOTTANADA | 1 | 0:06 |
loveless | 11 | 1:43:10 |
Lovey01 | 32 | 9:50:22 |
loxin_9000 | 1 | 25:36 |
LTJ4CK | 3 | 15:37 |
Lucas Marincak | 19 | 51:26 |
Lucky_Edie | 27 | 2:15:29 |
Ludi | 1 | 1:44 |
Luke Annett | 2 | 12:37 |
Luleta | 262 | 10:53:36 |
lunchlunch | 1 | 1:30 |
Madani El Hariri | 8 | 3:52 |
Mae | 10 | 23:43 |
Maes | 1 | 5:29 |
Magikal | 36 | 10:27:19 |
Mahik | 11 | 21:08 |
Malcolm Sailor | 5 | 56:10 |
Malinku | 7 | 22:06 |
mancubian_candidate | 13 | 2:48:32 |
MAN_WITH_GUN | 3 | 5:18 |
Marcinyk | 1 | 1:34 |
Marek Wozniak | 6 | 22:55 |
Maribo | 1326 | 68:08:11 |
Mark Anders | 40 | 8:27:44 |
Márk Istenes | 30 | 48:44 |
Marko van der Want | 929 | 15:07:40 |
Mark Ridlen | 3 | 24:22 |
Mark Schuler | 8 | 9:58 |
Mark Thompson | 46 | 6:35:18 |
mArt1And00m3r11339 | 1 | 54:19 |
Martin Aalen Hunsager | 1 | 24:50 |
Martin Friberg | 21 | 2:27:21 |
Martin Schultz | 27 | 2:02:13 |
Martin Vosatka | 2 | 1:24 |
Master Medi | 176 | 13:01:32 |
matador | 5 | 7:19 |
Matej Razak | 14 | 11:08 |
MatrixCL | 31 | 11:44:05 |
Matt Dixon | 1 | 12:07 |
Matthew McAllister | 1 | 2:57 |
Matthias Belz | 1 | 1:15 |
Matthias Worch | 2 | 51:28 |
Mattias Berggren | 2 | 14:01 |
Matt Maier | 2 | 1:03:36 |
Matt Williams | 1 | 10:47 |
Mattyice | 12 | 21:43 |
Maximiliano Di Dio | 3 | 15:23 |
maxmanium | 7 | 14:51 |
Maya | 200 | 16:39:07 |
MBCollector672 | 7 | 1:29:19 |
McClover | 1 | 0:09 |
MD922 | 183 | 2:37:58 |
MDmoneydog | 8 | 1:48 |
Mechadon | 1 | 7:55 |
megasphere308 | 454 | 10:57:15 |
Melodic Spaceship | 5 | 1:45 |
Memfis | 499 | 26:00:31 |
meneely | 9 | 2:01 |
Meowgi | 555 | 15:21:04 |
Meowgi's Cat (Petrie) | 1 | 0:00 |
Mephisto | 2 | 3:07 |
Mephres | 7 | 3:45 |
mercyspeed | 1 | 5:00 |
Method | 311 | 11:09:44 |
MFG38 | 609 | 10:48:53 |
mhrz | 396 | 18:14:47 |
Michael Greenslade | 15 | 1:35:30 |
Michael Grube | 79 | 18:40:31 |
Michael Jan Krizik | 1 | 0:47 |
Michael Krause | 2 | 30:03 |
Michael Kren | 71 | 2:11:52 |
Michael Lastovica | 2 | 0:56 |
Michael Novikov | 362 | 80:42:03 |
Michal Svoboda | 2 | 2:32 |
Mickael Girard | 76 | 2:49:45 |
Miguel Folatelli | 8 | 39:24 |
Mike Muir | 3 | 12:07 |
Mike Pratt | 4 | 49:15 |
Mike Reid | 16 | 1:47:58 |
Mike Reiner | 1 | 0:09 |
MikeTheMerc | 92 | 8:10:15 |
Mike Toliver | 374 | 83:09:37 |
Mike Watson | 9 | 33:39 |
Mikhail Volkov | 1 | 4:45 |
Miklos Toldi | 3 | 3:22 |
Mikolah | 17 | 24:50 |
MirrorMage | 1 | 0:34 |
mmjp08 | 40 | 15:04:43 |
Monsieur E | 159 | 4:03:47 |
moogers | 6 | 11:40 |
Morten Stromsvold | 2 | 2:35 |
Mosal | 7 | 56:10 |
mr2meows | 1 | 0:12 |
Mr.BP-D [CBG] | 1 | 20:22 |
Mr CooL ICE | 24 | 1:46:17 |
Mr.Dumb1 | 1 | 0:35 |
MrHellstorm17 | 40 | 2:31:18 |
Mr. LBN | 163 | 8:57:12 |
MrPogo | 25 | 28:07 |
Mr.Trooper | 2 | 3:07 |
Mr Veterinarian | 2 | 4:37 |
MrZebub | 7 | 56:06 |
m-sche | 1 | 3:18 |
msx2plus | 4 | 1:27 |
muumi | 83 | 4:01:09 |
MxCraven | 1 | 0:07 |
Myscha, the Sled Dog | 3 | 1:06:37 |
Naeun | 6 | 29:52 |
Napsalm | 1739 | 14:29:45 |
Narien | 71 | 7:19:52 |
Narque | 1 | 0:10 |
Nat | 1 | 0:30 |
NaturalTvventy | 2 | 3:33 |
Naxius | 1 | 6:36 |
NaZa | 15 | 13:24 |
Necrotikflesh | 7 | 16:44 |
Nefelibeta | 4 | 9:11 |
Neil Kloster | 115 | 9:06:51 |
NemesisEmme | 1 | 0:10 |
NeoRuns | 4 | 0:56 |
neostrophe | 2 | 3:00 |
Neuro | 90 | 1:16:03 |
Neurometry | 17 | 32:16 |
Nevanos | 220 | 33:49:47 |
Never_Again | 776 | 95:08:55 |
nicepixel | 1 | 4:44 |
Nicholas Spampata | 2 | 0:55 |
Nicolas Gandou | 105 | 5:51:00 |
Nicolas Segato | 2 | 1:06 |
NightBird17 | 12 | 21:23 |
NiGHTS108 | 128 | 2:53:22 |
NightTerror | 77 | 10:39:03 |
NiiroKitsune | 34 | 43:34 |
niko2925 | 1 | 22:56 |
Nikolai Savetzkei | 4 | 0:35 |
Niloquì | 516 | 12:53:51 |
Nine Inch Heels | 42 | 2:30:03 |
Ningishzida | 1 | 1:14 |
NinjaDelphox | 12 | 37:27 |
Ninja Liquidator | 10 | 32:48 |
Nirvana | 2 | 24:43 |
Nisuuh | 5 | 2:00:38 |
Nixx | 1 | 6:31 |
No-Man Baugh | 1 | 0:05 |
nonpost | 1 | 1:43 |
Noobest | 50 | 37:27 |
noob_killer012345678 | 16 | 18:25 |
NoReason | 55 | 7:33:47 |
NosequeponerDX | 1 | 0:49 |
nostalgic | 1 | 2:07 |
Nosturi | 5 | 13:32 |
novapoot | 9 | 37:10 |
ntrrpt | 1 | 2:15 |
Nuggets_games | 1 | 0:54 |
Null | 8 | 25:19 |
NumberJuan77 | 135 | 21:02:19 |
Nuparu | 1 | 0:07 |
NuruTheDoomer | 478 | 11:34:32 |
Obscursed | 11 | 11:49 |
Océan silencieux | 1 | 10:14 |
Ocelot | 42 | 1:05:34 |
Odan | 2 | 15:44 |
oecleus | 16 | 5:13:20 |
OgreSlayeR | 24 | 21:17 |
Ohris | 3 | 11:11 |
okdoomer | 7 | 8:02:40 |
Okuplok | 21 | 6:46:27 |
OldManDan | 10 | 12:34 |
Ole Hartvigsen | 31 | 2:36:16 |
Olio | 35 | 1:15:15 |
Olivier Guyetant | 2 | 1:06 |
omalefico32x | 3 | 1:05 |
Ondrej Vosatka | 14 | 44:21 |
OnyxStar | 1 | 1:16:27 |
ooMOOMANoo | 2 | 0:18 |
Opulent | 1336 | 120:28:13 |
Oree | 5 | 0:52 |
Orii | 382 | 23:50:45 |
osminee | 6 | 12:12 |
Otis Erdna | 8 | 1:20:59 |
Outrageous Videos | 16 | 21:14 |
Overmind | 23 | 3:07:26 |
Oxyde | 9 | 2:14:19 |
Oyvind Stenhaug | 61 | 2:58:15 |
P3Prod1 | 3 | 3:32 |
pa1ny | 7 | 51:18 |
Pablo (Diabolución) | 1 | 12:57 |
Paf | 2 | 3:09 |
PartyCrasher04 | 28 | 4:12:53 |
pastries | 3 | 0:54 |
Patrick Kalinauskas | 1 | 14:38 |
Patrick Martin | 66 | 21:32:13 |
Patrick von Massow | 67 | 1:14:00 |
Paul Falstad | 6 | 44:44 |
Paul Gilbert | 95 | 28:13:45 |
paymentplan | 615 | 11:53:29 |
PBeGood | 50 | 27:10 |
PC2mill | 2 | 19:01 |
Peccatum Mihzamiz | 16 | 1:21:07 |
Peo Sjoblom | 420 | 66:43:42 |
Percy T | 107 | 50:09 |
Peter Lawrence | 72 | 3:54:18 |
Petr Urban | 6 | 13:08 |
Petruska | 1 | 0:32 |
Petter Karlsson | 1 | 11:45 |
Petyan | 97 | 19:57:37 |
Phil Epstein | 1 | 0:07 |
Philip Kiska | 8 | 8:19 |
Philnemba | 287 | 3:40:29 |
Phil Renshaw | 31 | 1:18:39 |
Phml | 225 | 15:25:17 |
Phoenyx | 324 | 27:04:52 |
Pikkuhippi | 1 | 1:16 |
pineapple2664 | 14 | 14:49 |
PinkKittyRose | 1 | 29:23 |
pjotr_ | 8 | 11:30 |
PJ Plays Doom | 49 | 4:22:21 |
PjSpartacus | 42 | 8:17:24 |
Plats | 235 | 66:38:22 |
Player177 | 53 | 6:28:17 |
Plerb | 25 | 17:43 |
Pleymo | 139 | 2:33:05 |
plums | 23 | 14:02 |
Plut | 257 | 16:03:00 |
Plymouth20 | 1 | 0:10 |
Poncho | 185 | 12:30:02 |
pooplord | 7 | 14:10 |
PowerSlaveAlfons | 10 | 7:50 |
PrimalPie | 1 | 0:11 |
ProPiece | 198 | 2:59:17 |
Proteh | 7 | 23:24 |
Pseudonaut | 293 | 15:01:37 |
psichotik | 117 | 4:01:39 |
PugUgly | 2 | 0:20 |
Punisher | 1 | 3:19 |
Puraku | 4 | 1:18 |
Purist | 1 | 1:25 |
purple_ruberoid | 13 | 41:03 |
PVS | 64 | 10:07:32 |
Qaatar | 70 | 6:01:55 |
Qingshuo Wang | 1 | 4:49 |
Qoko | 4 | 6:04 |
Qu4k3r | 13 | 1:16:12 |
QuadrumpusGuy | 2 | 5:08 |
quichotte | 4 | 4:04 |
Quills | 1 | 0:09 |
Quizno | 1 | 0:24 |
QWERTY | 102 | 2:12:37 |
Radek Pecka | 644 | 50:32:40 |
RadicalMacaroni | 21 | 25:13 |
radrick | 1 | 0:36 |
Rak97 | 1 | 5:34 |
Ralf Schreivogel | 101 | 3:51:59 |
Ralph Vickers | 1 | 2:01 |
RamboBones | 11 | 4:27:53 |
Ramon Demestre | 28 | 31:22 |
Ranjo Kahluff | 5 | 4:55 |
|Raph| | 1 | 17:47 |
Rat | 4 | 3:27 |
Ravendesk | 664 | 16:04:15 |
Rayziik | 341 | 39:28:20 |
Razen | 2 | 0:51 |
Razgriz | 12 | 57:16 |
rbhn | 2 | 10:22 |
rd | 238 | 11:38:13 |
Reaper_SR | 1 | 0:12 |
RebelliousOasis | 3 | 0:19 |
RedAmour | 1 | 0:08 |
RedBoule | 91 | 7:45:12 |
Red Recluse | 157 | 47:10:45 |
Red-XIII | 242 | 18:18:44 |
Reelvonic | 3 | 1:49 |
ReggieRTA | 1 | 0:32 |
reiko | 1 | 2:25 |
Reizo | 2 | 2:17 |
RestartSyndrome | 1 | 0:09 |
reteprehelek | 69 | 2:18:31 |
Retro | 7 | 1:21 |
Revenant100 | 1 | 0:34 |
Revved | 1881 | 230:40:58 |
riba2233 | 1 | 0:33 |
Ribbiks | 37 | 5:52:03 |
Richard Woods | 0 | 0:00 |
Richie Agnew | 67 | 19:11:00 |
Rich J. Sham | 283 | 52:10:55 |
richter3456 | 7 | 24:13 |
Risana | 2 | 0:59 |
RiviTheWarlock | 6 | 7:04 |
Rizera | 172 | 15:40:16 |
RjY | 44 | 5:12:46 |
RN_Jesus | 28 | 12:11:25 |
RoadrunnerKZSK | 8 | 3:46 |
Robbin Abraham | 5 | 25:30 |
Robby DeCandia | 1 | 0:07 |
Robert Eckhardt | 2 | 33:29 |
Robert Reevy | 68 | 2:30:51 |
Robin Woehler | 1 | 0:54 |
RobUrHP420 | 4 | 2:16 |
RockyGaming4725 | 226 | 1:38:40 |
Rocky's Friend | 1 | 0:06 |
Rodster | 11 | 40:02 |
Roger Moraga | 22 | 5:30:41 |
Roman Yankovsky | 3 | 9:18 |
Roofi | 122 | 29:25:11 |
RottKing | 1 | 46:44 |
Rotwang | 23 | 8:52 |
RudieCantFail | 27 | 11:06 |
Rudy Jurjako | 42 | 5:12:00 |
runkman | 4 | 1:28 |
Ryan Barreras | 28 | 23:16 |
Ryback | 1405 | 161:54:25 |
ryiron | 90 | 5:46:51 |
S022anti | 8 | 20:22 |
S6kana | 16 | 4:25:48 |
saddestobscurity | 13 | 43:49 |
Sage | 42 | 4:11:22 |
Saku Korpinen | 4 | 4:00 |
saladlove | 1 | 0:09 |
SaladStream | 37 | 53:34 |
Sam Woodman | 84 | 6:20:03 |
Sandoval P | 1 | 0:31 |
sandwedge | 10 | 9:47 |
sapphics | 83 | 4:39:08 |
Sarge Baldy | 1 | 2:27 |
SAV88 | 183 | 10:28:45 |
Savtchenko Denis | 1 | 5:42 |
Sayeth | 38 | 44:32 |
schlunket | 3 | 0:21 |
Schneelocke | 1 | 0:05 |
Scionox | 269 | 2:56:34 |
Scorpius | 127 | 1:04:56 |
Scott Crank | 1 | 18:14 |
Scotty | 4 | 10:32 |
ScrappyMcDoogerton | 7 | 18:40 |
Scratchy | 1 | 0:01 |
Scrupy Pup | 2 | 0:33 |
scuffed | 779 | 3:18:25 |
Sebastian Limbach | 9 | 5:04 |
Sedlo | 191 | 4:41:04 |
seed | 5 | 1:54 |
seejay39 | 2 | 5:33:44 |
Selim Benabdelkhalek | 316 | 7:38:07 |
Ser | 35 | 1:47:21 |
Sergey Kapustin | 50 | 1:18:55 |
Shadowman | 1 | 21:43 |
ShadowWraith | 6 | 32:07 |
Shakariki Heisenberg | 1 | 0:14 |
SharkyChip | 6 | 1:00:07 |
Shawn Hamm | 1 | 3:04 |
Shepardus | 114 | 7:22:01 |
shotgumasacre2 | 2 | 2:25 |
siege cunt | 13 | 2:33:08 |
SilentD00mer | 27 | 30:17 |
Silliest Putty | 6 | 10:10 |
Silver Fox | 1 | 0:15 |
Silverhand | 1 | 0:34 |
SilverHurling | 5 | 20:06 |
SilverMiner | 1 | 0:04 |
similaun | 15 | 1:33:49 |
simondiamond | 1 | 0:50 |
Šimon Raichl | 17 | 19:15 |
Simon Widlake | 74 | 8:39:23 |
Siprem | 29 | 11:54 |
Sitsoc | 1 | 1:57 |
Skandalouz | 2 | 20:54 |
Skepticist | 339 | 26:26:11 |
SKYWARDS | 17 | 1:36:59 |
sl | 2 | 0:25 |
Slade | 14 | 46:13 |
SlashBane | 7 | 10:14 |
Slasher Devenster | 1 | 1:12 |
SleepyheadSR | 1 | 0:01 |
SleepyVelvet | 404 | 10:50:40 |
slorrin | 3 | 26:29 |
SlowDoomer | 1 | 29:04 |
slowfade | 33 | 45:52 |
Smelly Huffer | 3 | 0:33 |
SmiteMeister | 2 | 0:33 |
Smite of Disrespect | 5 | 2:42:58 |
Smoke Tobako | 2 | 0:14 |
Snakes | 18 | 27:34 |
sneakfast | 5 | 4:45 |
snnnnori | 1 | 0:07 |
snut skallar | 6 | 5:35 |
SoBad | 4 | 55:53 |
Sodo | 15 | 11:34 |
Some Nerdy Noob | 4 | 1:34 |
SonidoSpeed | 2 | 2:26 |
SoopeyDoopee | 1 | 0:09 |
Soul_Runner | 82 | 2:02:04 |
Spec | 1 | 0:26 |
Spectere | 2 | 0:22 |
Spectre01 | 48 | 15:48:28 |
SpectreKelevra | 1 | 0:31 |
Speedrunner_doomguy | 1 | 1:00 |
Spendoragon | 78 | 2:12:55 |
Spie812 | 7 | 5:22 |
SpinD | 8 | 9:27 |
Spirit_Crusader | 8 | 2:53 |
spo0n | 14 | 11:28 |
Squilliam | 3 | 0:31 |
SSGguy | 78 | 10:44:45 |
Stacy | 3 | 0:58 |
Stan Gula | 19 | 10:26:27 |
Starduster | 234 | 18:19:12 |
starshinelunacy | 1 | 14:46 |
SteelGameStyle | 1 | 11:30 |
Steezyy | 2 | 0:28 |
Stefan Larsson | 2 | 4:28:06 |
Steffen Udluft | 173 | 14:39:52 |
Steffen Winterfeldt | 19 | 2:39:40 |
Stephen Clark | 19 | 5:03:52 |
stephyesterday | 2 | 3:27 |
Steponas Andriuskevicius | 4 | 13:40 |
Steve Dudzik | 1 | 6:35 |
Steve Towle | 8 | 2:35:57 |
stingingy | 1 | 0:55 |
StorkGreen | 4 | 8:56 |
Strid3r | 1 | 0:10 |
Strifeguy1995 | 4 | 6:28 |
Sturrum | 10 | 1:49:59 |
SubZero | 34 | 1:41:10 |
Suicider | 2 | 0:55 |
Sunbeam | 36 | 1:10:06 |
SuperjirounTV | 1 | 1:33 |
SuperWeaponDude | 97 | 3:25:08 |
Sven Vahar | 1 | 1:08 |
Sverre Kvernmo | 5 | 2:01:41 |
Swalzi | 1 | 0:57 |
Sylvain Chabert | 2 | 0:18 |
Synami | 10 | 8:38 |
T0yOta | 19 | 43:32 |
t3hPoundcake | 2 | 0:33 |
taedev | 68 | 3:55:50 |
Tamas Flamich | 6 | 11:41 |
Tarnsman | 1 | 7:45 |
Tatsurd-cacocaco | 620 | 95:45:54 |
taviow | 14 | 1:18:03 |
TB-303 | 3 | 0:30 |
tchkb | 190 | 45:52:54 |
Tchobac | 128 | 5:20:00 |
techman | 1 | 32:51 |
Teedre | 593 | 7:41:57 |
Tellurium | 44 | 7:23:24 |
termrork | 72 | 4:15:12 |
Terrarienn | 344 | 9:50:13 |
Terrcraft | 1 | 0:08 |
Terry Dunphy | 7 | 11:06 |
Terry Hamel | 1 | 11:51 |
TesaQ | 2 | 6:39 |
Tetral | 1 | 3:18:44 |
tewgytaylor | 4 | 6:27 |
Tezur0 | 494 | 26:04:31 |
That Guy | 23 | 1:05:58 |
thearst3rd | 3 | 14:02 |
The_Enderman | 4 | 29:25 |
TheFadingOne | 1 | 5:27 |
the ghost of Lenny briscoe | 2 | 5:37 |
TheGoodStuff | 3 | 13:59 |
The Green Herring | 609 | 24:33:13 |
TheJesseAyy | 3 | 1:28 |
thekillerkev | 1 | 1:19 |
thelamp | 9 | 2:30:58 |
TheLoneliness | 69 | 6:11:17 |
theMegaswan | 9 | 2:52 |
TheNoob_Gamer | 1 | 1:35 |
therektafire | 3 | 18:25 |
thesoulingredient | 1 | 9:38 |
the SpeedFreak | 4 | 15:29 |
TheV1perK1ller | 754 | 63:58:41 |
TheVarian | 8 | 13:39 |
ThiagoCOZ | 1 | 52:33 |
THiEF | 2 | 12:31 |
Thierry Sawmy | 1 | 1:58 |
Thomas Kroppen | 21 | 1:19:10 |
thomasnuke | 1 | 0:06 |
Thomas Pilger | 245 | 11:34:52 |
Thomastd | 27 | 34:00 |
Thomas Zajic | 52 | 1:39:47 |
Thom Wye | 7 | 48:43 |
TimeOfDeath | 388 | 67:04:48 |
tinotormed | 179 | 16:53:50 |
TJ_ | 1 | 0:13 |
TK Maze | 2 | 1:25 |
TMApex | 5 | 11:27 |
toasterplant | 3 | 1:06 |
Tobby | 402 | 3:05:20 |
Todd Tully | 1 | 6:28 |
Tomas Kollar | 90 | 17:13:45 |
Tom Gregory | 10 | 6:32 |
Tomioka Fasya112 | 5 | 16:26 |
Tomsa_x | 2 | 0:42 |
Tom Shelley | 1 | 5:38 |
tonictinsk | 7 | 9:42 |
tonytheparrot | 77 | 57:23 |
tool_afflicted_speedrunner | 8 | 7:56 |
Topflex | 7 | 1:36 |
Touchdown | 4 | 16:21 |
tourniquet | 2 | 3:22 |
ToxikDeth | 3 | 5:08 |
trashgarbage | 191 | 6:33:31 |
trioct | 6 | 3:00 |
TropicGamer | 2 | 3:38 |
Trujelo | 1 | 0:09 |
Tubbleberry | 1 | 0:12 |
Turbofa | 35 | 1:20:23 |
Twister | 106 | 2:32:07 |
TwoFoxSix | 8 | 5:08 |
Typhoon | 32 | 42:51 |
ufon | 1 | 0:05 |
UndeadRyker | 6 | 3:54 |
Unknown | 200 | 17:44:13 |
Urban Space Cowboy | 1 | 0:56 |
Use3d | 1 | 34:26 |
Uwe Girlich | 38 | 2:09:55 |
Vaclav Kunes | 62 | 49:29 |
Vagarous | 8 | 6:52 |
Vanilla_icecream | 6 | 3:37 |
Varg Ally | 3 | 47:37 |
Various | 3 | 1:36:13 |
Varun Abhirama | 25 | 49:46 |
vdgg | 1226 | 206:57:37 |
vega_core | 1 | 0:06 |
Veinen | 432 | 39:22:50 |
veovis | 15 | 2:50:54 |
Versharp | 335 | 6:06:50 |
vertigo | 1 | 1:59 |
Verty | 10 | 3:29 |
VexedNemesis a.k.a VXDNM | 1 | 3:18 |
Victor | 4 | 21:42 |
Vile | 652 | 79:58:27 |
VileArch | 4 | 45:19 |
Vileoxe | 5 | 4:47 |
Vincent Catalaa | 1449 | 103:11:37 |
Vincent "CBT" Healgiggler | 17 | 28:21 |
Vincent Smith | 3 | 2:42 |
Viper-X | 2 | 10:16 |
Virgil | 13 | 3:00:09 |
VisitorQ | 16 | 1:08:18 |
volleyvalley | 4 | 2:23 |
VolteFace | 7 | 29:56 |
Vortale | 5 | 13:20 |
Vytaan | 15 | 1:35:20 |
Wade Cayton | 52 | 2:36:06 |
WadMaster/1337 | 1 | 40:17 |
Wagi | 5 | 4:23 |
wakecold | 78 | 32:06 |
Walter Confalonieri | 14 | 19:31 |
Warlock | 1 | 4:04 |
waveplay | 71 | 1:18:15 |
whyismayonaise | 1 | 0:06 |
William Huber | 182 | 21:01:56 |
William Striegl | 29 | 2:25:22 |
William Wheeler | 6 | 4:08 |
Wim Vanrie | 88 | 5:37:39 |
WingAscendant | 2 | 0:19 |
Wintertowns | 11 | 2:13:27 |
wkfo | 14 | 35:49 |
womfa | 1 | 3:39 |
Womp the Cat | 180 | 3:10:40 |
Wordy | 1 | 1:52 |
Worst | 1 | 0:11 |
wuslamclan | 60 | 1:04:21 |
xanderparkour | 1 | 0:10 |
XaNToR | 2 | 56:02 |
Xektor | 62 | 1:23:14 |
xepop | 52 | 1:51:32 |
Xerenogan | 3 | 1:58:11 |
Xindage | 1 | 6:49 |
Xit Vono | 1724 | 152:15:18 |
Xulgonoth | 1 | 20:59 |
xX_Lol6_Xx | 102 | 2:51:14 |
Xyzzу | 40 | 44:17 |
Yak-9U | 5 | 2:31:05 |
Yashar Garibzadeh | 51 | 4:12:59 |
Yatimas | 5 | 4:50:40 |
yi3 | 3 | 3:17 |
Yohay Kaplan | 2 | 18:21 |
Yonatan Donner | 380 | 40:27:06 |
Yousuf Anik | 178 | 23:04:05 |
yrriban | 1 | 21:33 |
z0diac | 22 | 8:05:09 |
Zahid | 747 | 63:59:36 |
Zan-zan-zawa-veia | 8 | 19:36 |
ZELLLOOO | 31 | 1:29:51 |
Zephydel | 1 | 0:10 |
ZeroKnight | 1 | 0:19 |
Zero-Master | 265 | 41:48:06 |
Zero_uk | 4 | 1:36 |
Zig | 1 | 0:19 |
Zir Blazer | 1 | 11:56 |
Zoomi | 19 | 59:25 |
zoonel | 1 | 3:39 |
Zsolt Szabo | 1 | 0:30 |
zumie | 7 | 2:00:45 |
Zvonimir Bužanić | 66 | 2:27:38 |