Doom the Way id Did Various

293 demos, 16:56:28.45 | Table View | Leaderboard | Stats |

Level Category Player(s) Engine Note Time
Episode 1 UV Speed AD_79 PRBoom v2.5.1.3cl3 10:07   
Dime CNDoom v2.0.2 10:12   
Dime Chocolate DooM v1.7.0 11:04   
Dime Chocolate DooM v1.7.0 11:33   
DidierTranber PRBoom v2.5.0.7 12:27.91
Plays back with dtwid_old.wad.
Dime Chocolate DooM v1.7.0 12:38   
Altima Mantoid PRBoom v2.5.1.3cl3 13:30   
head_cannon Crispy Doom v5.6.3 15:50   
UV Max Andrea Rovenski PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl3 29:31   
Neil Kloster PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl3 30:16   
Kraflab PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl3 32:50   
UV Fast Andrea Rovenski PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl3 35:41   
UV Respawn Andrea Rovenski PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl3 25:50