pe1_phob Paul Corfiatis & Kristian Aro

39 demos, 2:24:29.49 | Table View | Leaderboard | Stats |

Level Category Player(s) Engine Note Time
E1M2 UV Speed Versharp PRBoom v2.5.0.1 1:45.51
UV Max Memfis PRBoom v2.5.0.9 2:59.37
Memfis PRBoom v2.5.0.9 3:08.11
DidierTranber PRBoom v2.5.0.7 3:24.63
UV Fast DidierTranber PRBoom v2.5.0.7 4:24.06
UV Respawn DidierTranber PRBoom v2.5.0.7 3:49.60
Other Grazza PRBoom 1:11.60
Demonstrates a shortcut glitch on an old version of the level.Plays back with pe1_e1m2.wad.