This SUXX! Derek Cadwell & Rich Nagel

699 demos, 4:05:05.50 | Table View | Leaderboard | Stats |

Level Category Player(s) Engine Note Time
Map 27 UV Speed 4shockblast DSDA-Doom v0.27.5cl2 0:07.34
Human Being DSDA-Doom v0.26.1cl2 0:07.43
Human Being DSDA-Doom v0.26.1cl2 0:07.46
Recorded with -nomonsters, but plays back on regular UV.
Gosu_Noob DSDA-Doom v0.24.2cl2 0:07.49
Gosu_Noob DSDA-Doom v0.24.2cl2 0:07.51
Recorded with -nomonsters, but plays back on regular UV.
4shockblast DSDA-Doom v0.19.7cl2 0:07.66
Recorded with -nomonsters, but plays back on regular UV.
E.M. DSDA-Doom v0.28.3cl2 0:07.74
4shockblast PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl2 0:07.89
Also Reality
Teedre DSDA-Doom v0.22.1cl2 0:08.17
Also Reality
Teedre DSDA-Doom v0.22.1cl2 0:08.20
Recorded with -nomonsters, but plays back on regular UV.
ProPiece PRBoom v2.5.1.5cl2 0:09.23
Also Reality
ProPiece PRBoom v2.5.1.5cl2 0:09.31
Recorded with -nomonsters, but plays back on regular UV.
Kristian Ronge PRBoom v2.2.3 0:09.43
Also Reality
Tyson Billa DSDA-Doom v0.24.2cl2 0:12.46
GrumpyCat PRBoom v2.5.1.3cl2 0:12.83
4shockblast PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl2 0:13.20
NM Speed Human Being DSDA-Doom v0.26.1cl2 0:07.49
Pacifist 4shockblast PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl2 0:29.34
Also Reality
Stroller 4shockblast PRBoom v2.5.1.4cl2 0:23.97
Recorded with -nomonsters, but plays back on regular UV.