Wad List

25 wads

File Name Author Iwad Demos Length
chanesaw chanesaw Stephen Huff doom 6 39:04
chaos chaos Unknown doom 3 4:29
chaos3 chaos3 Jerry Lehr doom 4 1:51:41
charcoal Charcoal Santtu "MFG38" Pesonen doom2 281 2:46:46
charybdi Charybdis Albatross doom2 5 9:34
chase chase Eric Reuter doom 1 7:33
chchckie Chocolate Cherry Cookie Timothy Brown (MArt1And00m3r11339) doom2 2 43:51
cheese cheese Matthew Hooper doom 4 26:46
cheesee2 cheesee2 Mr. Chris doom 8 10:48
chemical chemical Pablo Dictter doom2 1 5:56
chemlab chemlab Andy Olivera doom2 3 7:45
chemplnt chemplnt Nicholas Spampata doom 2 6:53
chequers chequers David Fleet doom 1 8:54
chess Chess, Hades-style Maciek Sakrejda (Octahedron The Unwise) doom 2 0:50
chex Chex Quest Digital Café chex 106 4:50:32
chex2 Chex Quest 2 Digital Café chex 42 1:56:13
chexlvl a level for Chex Quest uhbooh chex 2 3:21
chexres Chex rescue joe-ilya chex 9 11:38
chextpb Chex Quest: The Penult... Andrea Rovenski chex 47 4:42:32
chicocos Chicocos S.A. Cacodemon187 doom2 1 4:53
chief chief The Chief doom2 6 1:04:42
chiggity Chiggity Ribbiks doom2 3 7:48
chillax Chillax Various doom2 97 31:36:41
chillax_2011 Chillax v6.9 Various doom2 2 32:18
chillax_2013 Chillax v9.7.2 Various doom2 28 14:42:24