The Catwalk (Master Levels) Christen Klie

10 demos, 27:35.40 | Table View | Leaderboard | Stats |

Level Category Player(s) Engine Note Time
Map 01 UV Max -Lambda- DSDA-Doom v0.28.2cl2 3:04.46
Phoenyx DSDA-Doom v0.26.0cl2 3:15.89
Kristian Ronge PRBoom cl2 3:47.54
Ledmeister DooM2 v1.9 5:45.94
NM 100S Ser PRBoom v2.5.1.5cl2 TAS 1:12.06
JCD Crispy Doom v5.10.0 1:24.51
NoMo NuruTheDoomer DSDA-Doom v0.24.3cl2 1:23.49
NuruTheDoomer DSDA-Doom v0.24.2cl2 1:34.80
NoMo 100S NuruTheDoomer PRBoom v2.6.2cl2 1:26.14
Other Brad Spencer DooM2 v1.9 4:40.57
UV Max attempt, misses 13 monsters and 2 secrets.