Number of demos = 108952

Number of players = 1261

Number of wads = 4789

Total demo time = 7831:38:28

Average demos per player = 86

Average demos per wad = 22

Average demo time = 4:18

Record Index Top 50

The Record Index is the number of demos beaten by record runs.

# Player Record Index
1 Andrea Rovenski 4295
2 4shockblast 3864
3 Napsalm 2014
4 Kyle McAwesome 1655
5 Bredd 1440
6 Dubzzz 1356
7 Ancalagon 1285
8 Orii 1264
9 j4rio 1230
10 Billa 1154
11 depr4vity 1079
12 Kinetic 1063
13 kuckkuck 956
14 Vile 883
15 Xit Vono 876
16 Looper 868
17 mhrz 858
18 Pleymo 808
19 Teedre 777
20 Gosu_Noob 730
21 Zero-Master 705
22 BFGandorf 644
23 Human Being 610
24 kvothesixstring 545
25 vdgg 507
26 aconfusedhuman 495
27 blue cultist 487
28 Maribo 467
29 Meowgi 456
30 Tatsurd-cacocaco 454
31 BigBoy91 454
32 scuffed 435
33 El Juancho 386
34 GrumpyCat 383
35 paymentplan 364
36 TheV1perK1ller 332
37 Versharp 319
38 Ks4 313
39 GarrettChan 308
40 Tobby 301
41 Dastan 285
42 Phoenyx 279
43 lirui1001 247
44 Decay 243
45 Ravendesk 243
46 Radek Pecka 231
47 Laure 230
48 Andromeda 223
49 Dogmachine 218
50 Insomnia 209