Wad List

334 wads

File Name Author Iwad Demos Length
a41_spdm a41_spdm Chris Hill doom 13 1:54:44
a666sect a666sect Karoly Horvath doom 1 1:41
aa22 aa22 Unknown doom 2 10:50
aaar20 aaar20 Sparkle Tom doom2 2 14:01
aaawake aaawake Emil Brundage doom 1 32:49
aa_bth aa_bth Various doom2 25 10:26:24
aa_e1 Alpha Accident: Terra ... Wraith777 doom 3 8:46
aahhnuts aahhnuts Mike Wiesenauer doom2 2 14:23
aaliens Ancient Aliens Paul DeBruyne doom2 515 45:03:13
aarrghh Aarrghh! Oleg Tolstkhine and Alex Korobka doom 12 49:33
abaddrm Another Bad Dream oneselfSelf doom2 1 2:43
abandon Abandon Bemused Benjogami Scotty doom2 83 45:37:31
abattoir abattoir Jeffrey Martin doom2 2 16:44
abattrd2 ABATTOIR Zen Psychosis (Wayne Conner) doom2 1 0:08
abbadonx abbadonx Unknown doom2 3 15:49
ab_barr ab_barr Johnny Cheng doom 1 9:16
abbey abbey Ralph Jenkin hexen 1 18:50
abditn abditn Grant Monroe doom 2 8:07
abdmansn Abandoned Mansion NoneeLlama doom2 2 10:03
abigor hell5 Andrew Deren doom2 1 1:26
aboo4 aboo4 Bob Reganess doom2 21 9:20
aboo5th aboo5th Bob Reganess doom2 2 3:08
aboocean aboocean Bob Reganess doom2 3 13:04
aboosysv aboosysv Bob Reganess doom2 44 42:53
abscission Abscission Snaxalotl "Kyra" doom2 20 32:23
absoldis Absolute Dishonor Michael Jan Krizik & Jon Vail doom2 1 1:58
abspd417 abspd417 ArmouredBlood doom2 0 0:00
abyspe10 abyspe10 Various doom2 36 23:55
abyspe11 abyspe11 Various doom2 18 44:38
abyspe12 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 10 23:40
abyspe13 abyspe13 Various doom2 21 22:41
abyspe14 abyspe14 Various doom2 12 16:22
abyspe15 abyspe15 Various plutonia 12 16:26
abyspe16 abyspe16 Various doom2 47 54:10
abyspe17 abyspe17 Various doom2 15 46:33
abyspe18 abyspe18 Various doom2 39 51:13
abyspe19 abyspe19 Various doom2 17 22:22
abyspe20 abyspe20 Various doom2 25 29:00
abyspe21 abyspe21 Various doom2 11 12:01
abyspe22 abyspe22 Various doom2 15 27:29
abyspe23 abyspe23 Various doom2 13 19:22
abyspe24 abyspe24 Various doom2 19 31:10
abyspe25 abyspe25 Various doom2 25 27:27
abyspe26 abyspe26 Various doom2 23 49:06
abyspe27 abyspe27 Various doom2 21 33:54
abyspe28 abyspe28 Various doom2 20 8:59
abyspe29 abyspe29 Various doom2 7 29:30
abyspe30 abyspe30 Various doom2 24 37:30
abyspe31 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 7 8:27
abyspe32 abyspe32 Various doom2 6 4:09
abyspe33 abyspe33 Various doom2 8 11:18
abyspe34 abyspe34 Various doom2 18 36:56
abyspe35 abyspe35 Various doom2 29 29:31
abyspe36 abyspe36 Various doom2 14 9:38
abyspe37 abyspe37 Various doom2 24 13:14
abyspe38 abyspe38 Various doom2 19 26:27
abyspe39 abyspe39 Various doom2 6 11:58
abyspe40 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 8 14:22
abyspe41 abyspe41 Various doom2 3 3:06
abyspe42 abyspe42 Various doom2 8 11:59
abyspe43 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 25 20:55
abyspe44 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 6 9:51
abyspe45 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 9 11:14
abyspe46 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 12 16:06
abyspe47 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 4 5:23
abyspe48 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 7 9:27
abyspe49 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 20 24:15
abyspe50 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 20 29:19
abyspe51 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 25 37:49
abyspe52 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 22 15:10
abyspe53 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 9 19:06
abyspe54 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 13 23:24
abyspe55 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 27 30:22
abyspe56 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 17 19:36
abyspe57 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 10 9:24
abyspe58 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 11 9:42
abyspe59 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 9 4:39
abyspe60 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 11 7:00
abyspe61 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various tnt 8 16:53
abyspe62 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 36 52:16
abyspe63 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 5 6:40
abyspe64 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 219 3:57:22
abyspe65 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 5 11:37
abyspe66 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various plutonia 5 10:21
abyspe67 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 10 7:20
abyspe68 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 6 3:34
abyspe69_1 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 2 0:40
abyspe69_2 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 9 3:49
abyspe69_3 Abyssal Speedmapping S... Various doom2 17 16:07
abysped1 abysped1 Various doom2 9 18:48
abysped2 abysped2 Various doom2 10 25:10
abysped3 abysped3 Various doom2 15 20:13
abysped4 abysped4 Various doom2 24 32:31
abysped5 abysped5 Various doom2 14 23:01
abysped6 abysped6 Various doom2 10 13:12
abysped7 abysped7 Various doom2 17 21:32
abysped8 abysped8 Various doom2 9 12:33
abysped9 abysped9 Various doom2 19 19:30
abyss abyss Avery Lodato doom 1 10:23
abyss24a abyss24a H2SO4 & MrElusive doom2 51 2:04:26
abyssion abyssion Death-Destiny doom2 5 55:40
abyssus abyssus Mr. Chris doom 2 17:39
academy academy Tony Bruno doom 4 8:20
acastle2 ACASTLE2.WAD (replaces... Dwight Victor doom 2 9:18
accursed The ACCURSED Jeffrey J. Martin doom2 1 3:33
acheron acheron John W. Anderson doom 17 44:13
achron22 achron22 John W. Anderson doom2 2 7:58
acidrain acidrain Unknown doom2 1 0:34
action action Stephen Browning doom2 3 11:41
adamwad adamwad Adam Brill doom 2 10:16
aday2die aday2die Michael Krause doom2 6 51:01
ad_demo ad_demo Michael Hadjion & Adam Stolfo doom2 10 11:07
adonis Adonis: Escape from Ur... riderr3 doom2 1 13:32
adop Another Day Of the Pai... FoxPlays doom2 2 0:40
adrnilin adrnilin Michael Fulbright doom2 19 23:32
adspp adspp Virgil, the Doom Poet doom2 2 2:00:41
ae_projr ae_projr Eric Sambach doom 2 14:28
aeternum aeternum Paul DeBruyne doom2 5 51:02
afro_1994-04-10 afro_1994-04-10 Tim Scott doom 7 9:16
afro_1994-04-18 afro_1994-04-18 Tim Scott doom 7 10:09
afterburn "Afterburn" RockyGaming4725 doom2 1 2:36
afterind afterind Marc J.S. doom2 1 7:41
afternoon Afternoon Various doom2 31 58:24
agony2 agony2 mrthejoshmon tnt 1 13:45
agtb Another Generic Tech Base Tin Can (Can Kadioglu) doom2 4 10:04
ahatred ahatred Christian Lian doom2 9 57:22
ahellday ahellday Michael Krause doom2 1 11:04
ahide ahide Kicker55 doom 1 17:12
aika9 "Aika's 9 Speedmaps" aika doom2 11 5:05
airplane airplane Unknown doom 7 1:03
airwalk airwalk Nobutake Nakamura doom 14 8:36
akce akce Martin Mi°ejovsky doom 1 20:04
akeldama Akeldama Various doom2 151 15:41:27
akq Kick an imp and he get... Paul Noble doom2 1 0:17
alain ALAIN.WAD Alain Arrault doom 3 9:17
alas alas Harq doom2 2 6:59
albillo albillo Valentin Albillo doom 4 1:10:24
albldcrk All Bloody Crackle RC1 Alexsa2015sa doom2 0 0:00
alcatraz alcatraz Bobby Fosnot doom 5 5:34
alcatrz1 alcatrz1 Lawrence Britt doom 1 7:55
alcazar Alcazar General Roasterock, Ravendesk, Jizzwardo doom2 1 1:28
alfonzon The Alfonzone Pinchy, Augustus "Alfonzo" Knezevich doom2 24 4:29:02
algae Algae.wad Terry Durham doom2 11 20:18
alien2 alien2 Alberto Sposito doom2 1 8:21
aliens_1994 aliens_1994 Various doom 14 1:32:31
aliens_2000 aliens_2000 Justin Fisher doom 17 1:55:02
alive alive Memfis doom2 5 8:46
allalone allalone Opulent doom2 45 1:11:06
alldie Death Alex Brown doom2 2 6:46
all-e1 all-e1 Jonathan Wood doom 1 1:19:23
allempor All the Little Emperors Paul Budd (aka Chipper35) doom2 14 2:42
alleypak alleypak Alex Swan doom2 3 7:38
alleys ALLEYS.WAD (v1.1) Vince Russett doom2 1 5:05
allhell allhell Joel Huenink doom2 43 1:04:55
allroy allroy Matt Davis doom 4 52:54
allwhtnt All i want is hate TNT Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri doom2 2 10:05
almighty almighty Various doom 1 37:08
aloha911 aloha911 Alamain doom 1 36:47
aloha999 aloha999 Alamain doom 10 1:28:45
alone alone Jonas Andersson doom 1 6:18
alostworld A Lost World Dumbdoot6677 doom2 8 28:54
alpha alpha wesley (beast) werner doom 1 5:10
alpha1b alpha1b Rob Schweiner doom2 2 30:35
alphabetdoom Alphabet Doom Various doom2 1 1:46:49
alsdoom alsdoom Al Howe doom2 2 14:25
alsp alsp Michael Cortorno doom2 8 9:58
alt_2012-05 A.L.T. [B0S] Clan doom2 2 1:37
alt_2012-12 A.L.T. [B0S] Clan doom2 38 2:01:56
altier6 altier6 Keith Hickman doom2 7 1:46:53
altitude Altitude Thomas "tourniquet" Seifert doom2 3 1:05:14
altspd altspd Alter doom 1 2:06
amadeus The DeathMatch Of The ... Paul Johnson doom 4 0:43
amarcord amarcord Walter Confalonieri doom2 1 5:13
amazed amazed Jeff Cochran doom 7 9:23
amazed2 amazed2 Kris Garrison doom 1 4:26
amazing Castle of Combat for H... Martin E. Ferris heretic 1 0:09
ambient ambient Larry Mulcahy doom 1 9:51
ambrosia Ambrosia Kinetic doom2 15 1:16:33
ambush_1994 Ambush Mattias Widmark & Christian Wictorin doom 2 8:06
ambush_1996 Ambush! Peter Kasting doom2 4 3:40
amfdoom amfdoom AMFler doom 15 55:33
amievil Am I Evil? Alex Welikanov Ilya Britvich doom2 1 6:48
amigoba amigoba Tyson Dickert doom 2 0:14
aminesii aminesii Kim "Torn" Bach doom2 2 13:45
amok amok Alexander S. doom2 10 37:05
amok11t amok11t David Davis doom 3 0:53
amokhex Amokhex Speeed hexen 3 1:12
amoreupho Amorphous Euphoria Various doom2 4 2:02
amtm amtm XXoXX doom2 5 7:43
anacolut anacolut SonicIce doom2 1 1:02
anapsnorisis Anapsnorisis Phoenyx and KvotheSixString doom2 9 13:28
an_coop an_coop Michal Mesko doom2 2 4:54
an_coop2 an_coop2 Michal Mesko doom2 6 46:35
ander ander Magnus Ander doom 2 48:52
ander2 ander2 Magnus Ander doom 2 45:54
andrew andrew Kicker55 doom 4 4:36
andrewb andrewb Ralphis doom2 2 0:09
andrewb2 andrewb2 Ralph Vickers doom2 5 5:21
andy andy Light_Speed doom2 5 1:58
andytrig andytrig Andy Horne doom 1 2:39
andyv2 andyv2 Light_Speed doom2 2 0:20
ang Anguish Confinement mrthejoshmon tnt 2 4:07
angel angel Darrell Esau doom2 5 5:07
angry angry Joe Winter doom2 2 9:36
angryquilt3 Angry Quilt III: Big G... Various doom2 1 0:18
annex annex Ryan McGrail doom 8 4:01
anomaly Deimos Anomaly Codename_Delta doom 3 21:20
anomaly_1997 anomaly_1997 Jim Flynn doom2 2 40:18
anomaly2 anomaly2 Varun Abhirama doom 4 19:40
anomaly_2013 anomaly_2013 Colt Burton doom 2 5:12
anrrti anrrti Grant Monroe doom 1 7:48
anta_req Antaresian Reliquary antares031 doom2 13 3:56:57
antares Antares (a.k.a. alpha ... Scott Harper (aka. MadMax) doom2 2 6:21
anteroom anteroom Evan Bynum doom 1 7:28
anthill anthill Unknown doom 7 17:29
antic-doom antic-doom Danny Despres doom2 2 0:27
antras Antras - means "the se... Donatas Tamonis doom2 2 0:07
aoddoom1 aoddoom1 Various doom 10 2:25:06
aolgirls aolgirls Capone doom2 5 9:47
aom Altars of Madness myolden doom2 36 2:28:58
aotw_2000 aotw_2000 Ian Myers doom2 5 10:58
aotw_2004 aotw_2004 Ian Myers doom2 3 3:02
aox aox Geoffrey Oliver doom 2 8:54
ap_005 ap_005 Alex Parsons doom2 3 49:00
ap_006 ap_006 Alex Parsons doom2 1 56:27
ap_008 ap_008 Alex Parsons doom2 1 9:25
ap_009 ap_009 Alex Parsons doom2 2 17:14
ap_012 ap_012 Alex Parsons doom2 1 1:41
ap_013 ap_013 Alex Parsons doom2 1 6:09
apartyds A Party Downstairs Jacek "JudgeDeadd" Dobrzyniecki doom2 1 12:48
aphexius aphexius Stuart D. Smith doom 2 35:00
apocaclips APOCACLIPS Clippy Clippington doom2 35 32:29
apocalyp apocalyp Daniel Hornbaker doom 18 3:14:15
apocalypse apocalypse Bruno Vergilio doom2 3 8:37
apoch1 apoch1 Rick Clark doom 3 43:35
apoch2 apoch2 Rick Clark doom 2 12:49
apoch3 apoch3 Rick Clark doom 1 15:36
apoch4 The Apocalypse Part 4 Rick Clark doom 1 5:09
apoch5 apoch5 Rick Clark doom 3 11:45
apokalyp Apokalypsis theJF doom 1 45:44
apparitn apparitn Kenny Coughlan doom2 2 7:04
apt My Apartment! C. S. Campbell doom2 1 0:03
aql aql Alejandro Duque doom 3 9:37
aquaduct THE AQUADUCT Adam Stevens (Shrew X) heretic 7 5:55
aqueous The aqueous rise and f... Christian Hansen plutonia 1 3:06
ar_2013 Anomaly Reborn Serge Jaeken doom 10 21:30
ar_2022 Anomaly Report Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) doom2 192 16:20:04
arachna arachna Bjorn Hermans & Holger Nathrath doom 1 8:01
arachna2 arachna2 Bjorn Hermans & Holger Nathrath doom2 2 17:22
arcade arcade Kim Vidal doom2 173 4:31:27
arcadia arcadia J.P. LeBreton doom2 4 37:08
archdlux archdlux Mike Bowers doom2 1 5:32
arctan Arctan Ribbiks doom2 1 3:16
area49 area49 Phillippe & Peter Anchondo doom2 7 7:18
area51 area51 Keith Hickman & Garth Donovan doom2 4 42:34
area53 area53 Adam Jacob Czarnecki doom 1 12:08
arena arena Kevin Haley & Bill Courneya heretic 8 41:19
arena2 ARENA 1.0 Bob Pittman doom2 1 6:36
arenadth arenadth Roberto Sanna doom 5 5:14
aresjnrs Sons of Ares theJF doom 1 41:13
argh_1 argh_1 Joe Pantuso doom 3 4:35
argus DOOM II "Argus" Episode Ty Halderman and Robert Taylor doom2 1 3:48
armadosia armadosia arma kero doom2 74 10:53:00
armadosia_old armadosia_old arma kero doom2 10 1:48:19
armagedn armagedn Don Randall doom2 6 4:16
armory armory Doug Branch doom 1 8:28
arrival Arrival Walker "Pavera" Wright & Brayden "AD_79" Hart doom2 26 2:49:27
arrokoth Arrokoth Chris Kendell aka Somniac doom 16 52:14
ars_r Ars Doom (repackaged e... Ars Electronica 95 Project doom2 2 3:27
artica artica Mike Watson doom2 10 31:53
artica2 Artica 2 Cyberdemon (Mike Watson) doom2 1 1:26
artica3 artica3 Mike Watson doom2 4 7:42
artica4 artica4 Mike Watson doom2 3 16:15
artica_b Artica B Mike Watson, aka Cyb doom2 2 8:17
artifact artifact Paul Schmitz doom2 5 1:09:47
arx arx Various doom2 29 2:32:05
ascension ascension Memfis doom2 3 4:22
ascent ascent Halleck de Montigny doom 2 23:06
asd2 asd2 Andy Sheppard doom2 12 1:50:54
asdoom asdoom Andy Sheppard doom 4 1:07:16
ash2ash ash2ash Virgil the Doom Poet doom2 1 34:27
ashcave ashcave DuckReconMajor doom 46 5:54
ask1am Armorless Marine Asking4Id doom2 3 5:35
aslgeup aslgeup Various doom2 9 45:24
aslthq aslthq Anthony Uzilov doom 1 8:02
asshole asshole Death Egg doom2 2 5:19
asslt13 Assault On Outpost 13 Andrew Orman doom2 11 8:49
astro astro Brandon Phillips doom2 20 24:29
astroverse Astroverse Astro X doom2 1 35:23
asylum asylum Rich J. Sham doom2 3 1:49:27
at at Brad Spencer doom 29 1:12:47
atbb_f2 atbb_f2 Datacore & Subject119 doom2 5 2:03:23
aterfier Ater Fieri Nicolas Monti doom2 1 0:12
atfb atfb Mattias Johansson doom2 2 3:34
atica atica Brett Meyer doom 1 21:16
atlantis atlantis Jeremy Wagner doom2 1 4:04
atlnts1 atlnts1 William Lachance doom 7 9:19
atone Atonement Moustachio doom2 2 1:40
atrium atrium Steve Taylor doom 6 11:19
atrophy Atrophy Michal ''Lorenzo'' Kurowski doom2 1 12:03
attack attack Justin Madigan doom 1 9:35
attack57 attack57 Scott McNutt doom2 1 9:03
attack_ml Attack (Master Levels) Tim Willits doom2 20 44:14
attack-on-io Attack on IO Brian "Bri" Irving doom2 6 19:13
at_work at_work Bradley Allen doom 1 19:11
auavian Austrian Avian Associa... MundyC doom2 8 8:57
audit audit Armani doom 3 4:06
aurora1 aurora1 Ky Ma doom 7 28:31
aussie01 aussie01 AnAussieGamer doom2 1 1:59
aust_021 aust_021 Daniel Gimmer doom2 1 8:22
autophagy Autophagy Andrea Rovenski doom2 325 11:23:46
auxbase Auxiliary Base (E1M2) Agtronic doom 1 11:39
av Alien Vendetta Various doom2 1020 111:52:28
av20mem av20mem TimeOfDeath doom2 1 35:23
av46sp01 av46sp01 Will Hackney doom2 1 10:07
avactor Avactor Eradrop doom2 2 34:16
avalanch Avalanche Konrad Bresin doom2 1 11:50
avantgar avantgar Jow doom2 1 2:55
avatar Avatar's Demise Travers Dunne heretic 1 3:40
avd1 avd1 Avix doom 2 57:10
avj Arch-Vile Jump termrork doom2 198 8:12:44
av_old Alien Vendetta 1st Rel... Various doom2 112 16:07:13
awad2 awad2 Andy Hoffmann doom2 4 17:48
awayteam awayteam Joshua Underhill doom 4 12:00
awepower awepower Chris Wright doom2 2 2:51
awsome awsome DJShrimpy doom2 1 20:30
awsopale awsopale Bobby Griggs doom 1 6:48
axe2 axe2 Anthony Connor doom2 2 9:49
axe7 axe7 Anthony Connor doom2 1 8:02
axolotl Axolotl Xyzzy01 doom2 33 45:38
aztec01 aztec01 Daniel Hargreaves doom2 6 3:48
aztec666 aztec666 Hans de Heus doom2 5 10:36
azureshades Shades of Azure Keagan Dunn ("Dunn & Dunn") doom2 8 16:36
azurexia Azurexia Serge Haikin doom 1 1:01